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tamoadmin 2024-10-19 人已围观

简介They Don‘t Care About Us 他们不在乎我们skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏 situation 见风使舵 speculation 投机倒把 everybody 所有人 allegation 起诉 in the suite


They Don't Care About Us 他们不在乎我们

skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏

situation 见风使舵

speculation 投机倒把

everybody 所有人

allegation 起诉

in the suite 在庭上

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 一文不值

Bang bang 嗙嗙

shock dead 吓

Everybody's 所有人

gone mad 愤怒了

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

beat me 打击我

hate me 憎恨我

you can never 你永远无法

break me 击垮我

will me 利诱我

thrill me 威胁我

you can never 你永远无法

kill me 杀我

jew me 我是犹太人

sue me 你就要告我

everybody 一个不剩

do me 都想整我

kick me 踢我

kike me 我是犹太人

don't you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么

i have a wife and two children who love me


i'm a victim of police brutality, now


i'm tired of bein' the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者

your rapin' me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪

oh for god's sake 噢 究竟为了什么

i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...


set me free 放过我

skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏了

trepidation 恐慌

speculation 投机

everybody 所有人

allegation 指控

in the suite 在庭上

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 一文不值

black man 小人

black mail 告密

throw the brother 患难同胞

in jail 投入监狱

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

tell me what has become of my rights


am i invisible 'cause you ignore me?


your proclamation promised me free liberty, now.


i'm tired of bein' the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者

they're throwin' me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤

i can't believe this is the land from which i came


you know i really do hate to say it


the don't wanna see 政府也不想看到这

but if Roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no.


skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏了

situation 见风使舵

speculation 投机倒把

everybody 所有人

litigation 互相告

beat me 打击我

bash me 怒殴我

you can never 你永远无法

trash me 击废我

hit me 袭击我

kick me 践踏我

you can never 你永远无法

get me 打垮我

some things in life they just don't wanna see


but if Martin Luther was livin' 但如果马丁路德金活着的话

he wouldn't let this be 他绝不会允许它发生

skinhead 人面兽心

deadhead 行尸走肉

everybody 每一个人

gone bad 变坏

situation 见风使舵

segregation 种族隔离

allegation 告来告去

everybody 所有人

litigation 都来起诉

in the suite 在公堂上

on the news 在新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 分文不值

kick me 绊倒我

kike me 毁谤我

don't you wrong or right me 你指手画脚

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们


they Don't Care About Us Lyrics?他们不在乎我们歌词

skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏

situation 见风使舵

speculation 投机倒把

everybody 所有人

allegation 起诉

in the suite ? 在庭上

on the news ? 新闻里

everybody ? 所有人

dog food 一文不值

Bang bang 嗙嗙

shock dead 吓

Everybody's 所有人

gone mad ?愤怒了

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

beat me 打击我

hate me 憎恨我

you can never 你永远无法

break me 击垮我

will me 利诱我

thrill me 威胁我

you can never 你永远无法

kill me 杀我

jew me 我是犹太人

sue me 你就要告我

everybody 一个不剩

do me 都想整我

kick me 踢我

kike me 我是犹太人

don't you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么

i have a wife and two children who love me 我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子

i'm a victim of police brutality, now 我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了

i'm tired of bein' the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者

your rapin' me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪

oh for god's sake 噢 究竟为了什么

i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我这是想把人间变为天堂……

set me free 放过我

skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏了

trepidation 恐慌

speculation 投机

everybody 所有人

allegation 指控

in the suite 在庭上

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 一文不值

black man 小人

black mail 告密

throw the brother 患难同胞

in jail 投入监狱

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力

am i invisible 'cause you ignore me? 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗?

your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由

i'm tired of bein' the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者

they're throwin' me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤

i can't believe this is the land from which i came


you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说

the don't wanna see 政府也不想看到这

but it Roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no.


skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变坏了

situation 见风使舵

speculation 投机倒把

everybody 所有人

litigation 互相告

beat me 打击我

bash me 怒殴我

you can never 你永远无法

trash me 击废我

hit me 袭击我

kick me 践踏我

you can never 你永远无法

get me 打垮我

some things in life they just don't wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的

but if Martin Luther was livin' 但如果马丁路德金活着的话

he wouldn't let this be 他绝不会允许它发生

skinhead 人面兽心

deadhead 行尸走肉

everybody 每一个人

gone bad 变坏

situation 见风使舵

segregation 种族隔离

allegation 告来告去

everybody 所有人

litigation 都来起诉

in the suite 在公堂上

on the news 在新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 分文不值

kick me 绊倒我

kike me 毁谤我

don't you wrong or right me 你指手画脚

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说

they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

(注: ?1. “Jew me、Kick me”:皆为“我是犹太人”之意;本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁

2. “skin head”:本意--英国“光头党”,一群奉行白人至上主义的光头年轻人

3. “Deadhead”:本意--庸人、蠢人)


有非常多的英文字都是以 “gation" 结尾的。随便给你列几个在下面:











作词、作曲、编曲:Michael Jackson

制作:Michael Jackson

They wanna get my ass 他们想抓到我

Dead or alive 不论活

You know he really tried to take me 你知道,他真的想

Down by surprise 突然袭击干掉我

I bet he missioned with the CIA 我看他肯定为受命于中情局

He don't do half what he say 而他则阳奉阴违

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

He out shock in every single way 他毫无掩饰对我的攻击

He'll stop at nothing just to get his political say 他仅限于完成他的官方说辞

He think he hot cause he's BSTA 我想他因为是个BSTA所以红了

I bet he never had a social life anyway 总之我猜他从未体验过社会生活

You think he brother with the KKK? 你说他是三K党同伙?

I bet his mother never taught him 总之我看他娘从未

right anyway 教他善与恶

He want your vote just to remain TA. 他想要你的选票维系他的TA身份

He don't do half what he say 他则阳奉阴违

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Does he send letters to the FBI? 他得到联邦调查局的许可了么?

Did he say to either do it or die? 他说你不照办就完蛋了么?

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

Dom Sheldon is a cold man Dom Sheldon是个冷血的人

They Don't Care About Us的曲目歌词





v. 否定,否认






1. deny oneself 忍住,克制自己

2. deny access 拒绝访问

3. deny allegations 否认指控

4. deny responsibility 否认责任

5. deny charges 否认罪名

6. deny a claim 拒绝索赔


1. He denied the accusation against him.


2. The denied responsibility for the disaster.


3. The suspect denied any involvement in the crime.


4. She denied access to her personal files.


5. The insurance company denied his claim.


6. She denied herself the pleasure of dessert to lose weight.



1. "Deny" 是一个动词,主要意思是否认,否定。例如:I deny the truth of the statement. (我否认这个声明的真实性。)

2. "Deny" 作为动词后面一般接名词、代词或从句作宾语。例如:She denied having said that. (她否认说过那个。)

3. "Deny" 的过去式和过去分词形式是 denied,现在分词形式是 denying。例如:He denied having stolen the car. (他否认偷了这辆车。)

4. "Deny" 可以和一些与否认、拒绝相关的名词搭配,如 "responsibility"(责任)、"access"(访问权)、"allegation"(指控)等。例如:The manager denied all allegations of misconduct. (经理否认了所有的行为失当的指控。)

5. "Deny" 在描述人对事物的否认或拒绝时,常用于正式或口语的语境中。例如:He denied the fact that he was wrong. (他否认他错了。)


vt. 否定,否认;拒绝给予;拒绝…的要求


vi. 否认;拒绝




Skin head, dead head

光头党,骷髅党 (译者:dead head是口头语,人脑袋,代指欧美一些以骷髅为图腾的种族主义组织)

Everybody gone bad


Situation, aggravation


Everybody allegation


In the suit, on the news


Everybody dog food

充斥着无耻滥言 (译者:dog food直译狗食,意指谎话、瞎话、废话)

Bang bang, shot dead


Everybody gone mad


All I wanna say is that

我要说的就是 (译者:wanna译为“要”,而不是“想”。“要”不仅有心里的想法,而且即将去付诸实施;而“想”只是心理活动,却不一定去实施。两者含义天差地别。)

They don't really care about us


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


Beat me, hate me


You can never break me


Will me, thrill me


You can never kill me


Jew me, Sue me

诽谤我,诬告我 (译者:Jew犹太人。这里意为像对待犹太人那样对待我,如诽谤、侮辱等)

Everybody do me


kick me,kike me

践踏我,侮辱我 (译者:kike对犹太人的蔑称。意为像侮辱犹太人那样侮辱我。)

Don't you black or white me


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


Tell me what has become of my life


I have a wife and two children who love me


I am the victim of police brutality, now

现 在却是警察滥权的受害者

I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate


You're rapin' me of my pride


Oh, for God's sake


I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...


Set me free


Skin head, dead head


Everybody gone bad


trepidation, speculation


Everybody allegation


In the suit, on the news


Everybody dog food


black man, black mail

告密者,勒索信 (译者:black man 不是“黑人”,而是暗箭伤人的专门词。black mail不是“黑邮件”,而是敲诈的专门词)

Throw the brother in jail


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


Tell me what has become of my rights


Am I invisible because you ignore me?


Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now

你公开许诺过现 在就给我解放和自由

I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame


They're throwing me in a class with a bad name

他们给我扣上臭名昭著的帽子 (译者:这句话其它译本均译得很不理想,如“扔进坏名字的阶级”。既没体会原意,也没有翻译出来中文美感)

I can't believe this is the land from which I came


You know I do really hate to say it


The don't wanna see


But if Roosevelt was livin'


He wouldn't let this be, no, no


Skin head, dead head


Everybody gone bad


Situation, speculation


Everybody litigation


Beat me, bash me


You can never trash me

你永远别想吓倒我 (译者:trash按歌的意境译为吓倒)

Hit me, kick me


You can never get me


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


Some things in life they just don't wanna see


But if Martin Luther was livin'


He wouldn't let this be, no, no


Skin head, dead head


Everybody gone bad


trepidation, segregation


Everybody allegation


In the suit, on the news


Everybody dog food


Kick me, kike me


Don't you wrong or right me


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


(with deeply in fire)


(译者:在巴西版mtv中,这句话由迈克尔杰克逊在歌的中间喊出。keep me on fire,“放在火上烤”意为折磨。with deeply in fire出现在歌曲与监狱版本中。)

All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


(I'm here to remind you)


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


All I wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


All I really wanna say is that


They don't really care about us


All I really wanna say is that


They don't really care about us




The idea that these lyrics could be deemed objectionable is extremely hurtful to me, and misleading. The song in fact is about the pain of prejudice and hate and is a way to draw attention to social and political problems. I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the black man, I am the white man. I am not the one who was attacking. It is about the injustices to young people and how the system can wrongfully accuse them. I am angry and outraged that I could be so misinterpreted



skinhead 光头党 (传统上是指racist ,即种族主义者)

deadhead 骷髅党

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变得一肚子坏心眼

situation 我眼下的状况

aggravation 一天不如一天

everybody 所有人

allegation 把我告来告去

in the suite 屋子里

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 都在!

(注:dog food 借指毒品heroine ***,因为毒品最初的样子看起来和狗屎很像)

Bang bang 想给我两枪

shock dead 毙了我

Everybody's 所有人

gone mad 都疯了!

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

beat me 殴打我 (注:指警方调查MJ并对他进行了殴打)

hate me 憎恨我

you can never 你永远别想

break me 毁掉我!

will me 把意愿强加于我

thrill me 威胁我

you can never 你永远无法

kill me 杀我!

jew me 诋毁我像犹太人一样恶心


sue me 诬告我

everybody 所有人

do me (都想)整我

kick me 殴打我

kike me 歧视我(直译说我犹太人)


don't you black or white me 别想拿我的种族说事儿!

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

And tell me what has become of my life 谁来告诉我我的生活成了什么样!

i have a wife and two children who love me 原本我有爱我的妻子和两个孩子 (注:96年MJ和妻子离婚)

i'm a victim of police brutality, now

而现 在我只是个让警察施暴的受害者!

i'm tired of bein' the victim of hate


your rapin' me of my pride 你们糟蹋了我所自豪的东西!


oh for god's sake 看在上帝的份儿上

i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我只是想把这(有指Neverland)变成天堂……


set me free 放过我!

skinhead 光头党

deadhead 骷髅党

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变得邪恶起来

trepidation 让我恐慌(注:有指媒体诽谤MJ爱在自己身上动手脚)

speculation (把我的私生活)胡乱猜测 (注:指媒体捏造事实称MJ曾经娈童)

everybody 所有人

allegation 把我告来告去

in the suite 屋子里

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 都在(dog food 借指毒品***)

black man 你们敲诈我

black mail 你们勒索我(注:指有人策划娈童案对MJ进行了勒索)

throw the brother 将兄弟们(天下一家(即所谓四海皆兄弟))

in jail 丢进大牢!

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

and tell me what has become of my rights 谁来告诉我我的权利在哪儿

am i invisible 'cause you ignore me? 你们对我视而不见,全当我不存在吗!

your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 听着,你们曾空口白话的宣称,承诺我会拥有人权自由

i'm tired of bein' the victim of shame 我受不了自己成了一个被羞辱的对象

they're throwin' me in a class with a bad name 把我和声名狼藉这种词语放在一起

i can't believe this is the land from which i came 我实在是无法相信我是从这么一个地方出生的!

you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我不想这么说

the don't wanna see 政府也更不想看到(我这么说)


but if Roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no.


skinhead 光头党(指种族主义者)

deadhead 骷髅党

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变得一肚子坏心眼

situation 我眼下的状况

speculation (他们把我的隐私)胡乱猜测 (注:指媒体捏造事实称MJ曾经娈童)

everybody 所有人

litigation 把我告来告去

beat me 殴打我

bash me 痛打我

you can never 你永远无法

trash me 废了我!

hit me 打击我

kick me 打压我

you can never 你永远别想

get me 收买我!

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

some things in life they just don't wanna see 生命中总有些事是他们不想看到的


but if Martin Luther was livin' 但马丁·路德·金要是活着的话

he wouldn't let this be, no no. 不会由着你们如此胡作非为,绝对不会!

skinhead 光头党 (指种族主义者)

deadhead 骷髅党

everybody 所有人

gone bad 变得邪恶起来

situation 我眼下的状况

segregation 和公正隔离(注:指作为黑人的MJ被隔离在公正之外)

everybody 所有人

allegation 把我告来告去

in the suite 屋子里

on the news 新闻里

everybody 所有人

dog food 都吸了毒!

kick me 打压我

kike me 歧视我(直译说我犹太人)(注:暗指主流意识形态所宣扬的,黑人就像犹太人一样下等)

don't you wrong or right me 你休想对我颠倒是非!

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们

all i wanna say is that 我想说

they don't really care about us 他们一点也不在乎我们


“Jew me、Kike me”:本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁,实际上这两句的意思为:以对待犹太人的(恶毒)方式对待我,并无反犹太主义的色彩。


“deadhead”:本意--庸人、蠢人 。又翻译“骷髅党”,即为美国最神秘、最具权威的“社团组织”。



Michael Jackson的they don't really care about us里结尾处“I dare to remind you”后面那句喊得是啥?

rape; violate:

妇女 indecent assault on women

声称被 allegation of rape

beat me 打击我

hate me 厌恶我

you can never 你永远无法

break me击垮我

will me 利诱我

thrill me 威胁我

you can never 你永远无法

kill me 杀我

jew me 毁谤我

sue me 休弃我

everybody 每个人

do me 利用我

kick me 踢我

kike me 说我是犹太人

don't you 你是否

black or white me 颠倒我的黑白

all i wanna say is that 所有我想说的是

they don't really care about us他们并不真的关心我们

all i wanna say is that 所有我想说的是

they don't really care about us他们并不真的关心我们

tell me what has become of my life告诉我我的生活变成了什么

i have a wife and two children who love me我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子

i'm a victim of police brutality, now 我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了

i'm tired of bein' the victim of hate,我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者

your rapin' me of my pride

oh for god's sake 你在掠夺我的荣誉,究竟为了什么

i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...我仰望苍天看着他实现他的预言

set me free 给我自由

skin head 人面兽心

dead head 行尸走肉

everybody 每个人

gone bad 变坏

trepidation 颤抖

speculation 思考


allegation 断言

in the suite在曲组里

on the news在新闻里


dog food 随意炒作

black man 黑人

black mail黑人的邮件

throw the brother 把这两兄弟

in jail 投入监狱

all i wanna say is that

they don't really care about us

all i wanna say is that

they don't really care about us

tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力

am i invisible 'cause you ignore me?你对我视而不见就我就不存在了吗

your proclamation promised me free liberty, now.你现在向我宣布向我承诺我的自由与权力

i'm tired of bein' the victim of shame我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者

they're throwin' me in a class with a bad name他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤

i can't believe this is the land from which i came我无法相信这就是养育我的那片土地

you know i really do hate to say it你知道我真的厌恶说出来

the don't wanna see政府也不想看到这

but it roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no.但罗斯福活着,他不会让这一切发生的,不,不

skinhead 人面兽心



gone bad变坏





beat me打击我

bash me怒殴我

you can never你永远无法

trash me击废我

hit me袭击我

kick me踢打我

you can never你永远无法

get me得到我

some things in life they just don't wanna see生命中有些事是他们不想看到的

but if martin luther was livin'但如果马丁卢瑟活着的话

he wouldn't let this be他不会让这一切发生的

skinhead 人面兽心



gone bad变坏






in the suite在曲组里

on the news在新闻里


dog food随意抄作

kick me踢打我

kike me毁谤我

don't you你是否

wrong or right me颠倒我的是非

all i wanna say is that 所有我想说的是

they don't really care about us他们并不真的关心我们

对不起 对不起。真的对不起。我实在是想帮助你。




= =
